Friday, January 18, 2008

Patient.... or is it Patient ? ? ?

The last few weeks have been rough, there is no denying that. Weeks 1 and 2 of my treatments were a study in dehydration and nausea. Week 2 ended in an overnight stay at the hospital for IV fluids and medications to get all of the side effects under control. Week three brought with it the dreaded, yet anticipated port placement. If you don't know what a port is, I'll give a brief explanation. They insert a semi-permanent 'port' into your vein. The apparatus is inserted under your skin on your chest and the tubing runs directly into a large vein. This makes it easier to give the chemotherapy agents as well as to draw blood. It's like having beer on tap, but different! To access the port they simply poke the needle through your skin into the port, no searching for veins... its a sure shot. So this will make my life easier and the nurses lives a bit more pleasant as well. It seems my veins leave something to be desired.

On Thursday my lovely sister Kiki agreed to bring me to the doctor and stay with me while I had my fluids in the morning and then on to surgery in the afternoon to have my port placed. This is a surgical procedure so they don't let you drive-- go figure. We showed up at Yale at 9:00am for the IV fluids and I spent the morning getting rehydrated while Kiki and I picked on the nurses and talked. We walked over to the main hospital and arrived in the waiting room promptly at 1:30pm for my appointment for the port surgery. At 2:30pm they finally brought us back into the surgery recovery room. At 5:40pm I finally went in for the surgery and when all was said and done it was around 9:40pm when Kiki finally dropped me off at home. Long day doesn't even begin to cover it.

Today, Friday, they decided they needed to see me at the clinic again to give me an injection to prevent blood clots and start me on another medication. My appointment was for 1:30pm. I arrived on time and checked in at the desk. Two hours later I was still in the waiting room. At this point the nurses took pity on me-- thank you Sunshine-- and brought me back in the treatment area to see if this might move things along. While I sat there waiting the hospital's Chaplin stopped and said hi to me. He sat with me and we chatted which helped pass next hour of waiting. During our conversation he mentioned that he was always fascinated by the name given to the people waiting for care... "Patients". He remarked at how appropriate that name really is. Gets you thinking doesn't it??? gives this definition for the use of the word as a noun:

1. a person who is under medical care or treatment.

And this definition for the word used as an adjective:

1. enduring trying circumstances with even temper or characterized by such endurance; "a patient smile"; "was patient with the children"; "an exact and patient scientist"; "please be patient"

So it certainly does make you think. On the whole I am a patient patient. But this week the hospital and my doctors at Yale have been trying my patience. I will continue being a patient at Yale, and I will try and continue to be a patient person. And with your continued support, love and prayers I will continue to fight the fight and beat this thing. Thank you to everyone for all you have done to make our lives just a little bit easier in this difficult time.

Kiki, keep it up with being so nice to me and I might have to let you win at Scrabble :)


docnita said...

I'm in awe of your ability to sound so calm in your description of the medical events this week. You are the patient patient and I will be the irate aggravated spouse who thinks that veterinarians take more care with the feelings of their "patients" and the appreciate the value of their owners time. Wanna come get IV fluids at my hospital today. I'll set you up in a nice kennel in ICU!

Hang in there. You are doing great.


ps. Kiki- you definitely win the angel of the month award! Hugs to you. Love, docnita

mad knitter said...

Wow, that's horrid how they made you wait so long!!! Take some crocheting next time. You are certainly *very* patient!

kittymom said...

Jeeze...I really hope all this helps to make your life a little-no, make that a LOT-easier!!! We always knew the vet docs are the more empathetic ones!! If patience is a virtue as they say, I think you deserve the Academy Award in that category. Hope next week's treatment goes better for you!
Love and prayers as always,
dianne and the Guilford "kitty herd"

heather said...

hi tish, dave just told me about your blog. it is beautifully written, and you brought me to tears reading about your trials you have been through. your patience certainly has been tested, maybe that is part of the study, to see how much they can "test the patient" :) ha ha
your sense of humor is fantastic, hang in there, we love don't forget the daytona 500 is around the corner, that means you have a bday to plan!

The Original Test Dummy said...

Heather, we actually went online to see which day the Daytona was running so as we plan for the birthday we wont 'wammy' you guys again. I know it makes uncle David cry when he has to watch his race after the fact!

Anonymous said...

Ok so Tisha patients is one thing but really...they do know how to "try your patience" . The best and the worst happened for me this past week. I was able to spend a whole day with you laugh and chat and toss insults around like a salad in July. On the other side of the happy was watching you go through what appears to be a very common day of pain and frustration. I would lose every game of scrabble for the rest of my life if it means that you can stop going through this awful mess. I will always be available for you and Doc and even Hannah Banana. Say the word and I'm there. And if ya wanna to maybe let the score be alittle closer in scrabble that would be ok too.

Love ya,

Encarna said...

" on tap, but different." OMG, you had me rolling with that one! Thank god for your patience because while you're waiting you can think up doozy's like that one...

Or you can play scrabble.

Or you can crochet.

Hang in there, babe! We're all pulling for ya!

Also, Anita you totally cracked me up offering to give IV fluids at the kennel!

Dolores Zielinski said...

Hi Tish, You look pretty good for all you have been through. Are you sure you're not just kidding us? Seriously, the prayers are still coming. Hope you get to go home soon. Del